
Dungeons Deep & Caverns Old - Campaign Setting for 5E

Created by Jason Duff

A fantasy campaign setting and adventure for 5th Edition. Set within a dwarven kingdom after a world-shattering cataclysm.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status #3 - Work Continues & Surveys
4 days ago – Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 12:17:39 PM


Hello everyone. Remember, surveys have been sent, and about 85% of you have finished yours. Thanks! If you can't find your survey, check your spam or reach out to me directly and I'll help you out.


Layout is underway. Jeremy has delivered everything except new Spells and Monsters. I should be getting both by the end of the month or soon after. Here is an example page of the Feats section.

I am hopeful that you will have the full PDF in hand next month. Until next week, check out our friend's project.

Kickstarter Spotlight: Techromancer

The PCs have flown through a strange cloud of dust, and while their ship is mostly unscathed, a strange door has appeared on it that has never been there before. This horror mystery takes the players through snap shots of the past, as an ancient evil is resurrected, right aboard their very vessel. Techromancer comes with the following:

  • 12 panel pamphlet adventure
  • Time Tacker
  • Audio logs and ship announcements
  • Digital Soundtrack by Terry Childers
  • A severed head that won't shut up.

Check it out today

Shipping (Important)
8 days ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 09:28:02 AM

Hello everyone, sorry for the fire drill last night and this morning.

Basically, shipping is correct in BackerKit. If you are a digital backer and you upgrade to physical, until you enter your address, shipping will display something incorrect. BackerKit just works that way. So, please enter your address, and /then/ look at your shipping costs. BackerKit can't understand where it is shipping and your costs until it knows your address.

Otherwise, please see the fulfillment table for estimated shipping costs. $14.50 for the United States is correct. Anywhere other than the US/UK is going to be a little more. The fulfillment estimate table should be very close to the actual cost.

Shipping Price Calculations Could be Wrong on Add-ons
9 days ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 10:24:19 PM

Hello everyone, I'm trying to track down an issue in BackerKit. It appears that the shipping prices on add-ons is somehow greatly inflated. I haven't tracked down why, but I am still looking at it. It appears that paying for shipping on pledge items is working as expected. If you see abnormally high shipping prices for your region, please contact me immediately.


Status #2 - Surveys
9 days ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 06:00:23 PM

Surveys Sent

Hello backers. Surveys have been sent. There you can pay for shipping, enter your shipping address, and grab add-ons (Please check out Heroes & Hardships for something new). Remember, you won't be charged until we're closer to the ship date, and you'll have an opportunity to change your address if you need to.


Layout will start tomorrow (6/20). Jeremy delivered a bug chunk earlier this week, and I'm excited to get it into the book. The PDF shouldn't be too far off in the horizon as much of the book is completely laid out already.

So make sure you fill out your survey and check out our other games. I'll have more information next week, and while your at it, here is a project you should check out.

Mayday Files

Mayday Files is a brand-new Mothership Bestiary filled with 30 new creatures to place into your troubled systems. Each creature comes with: Statistical Information & Abilities, detailed Artwork, and fully Voice-Acted Mayday Logs from creature encounters. Alongside the core book are 5 Brochure Modules, Map Packs, Tokens and horde more goodies. If you need some bugs to hunt and some modules to do it in, look no further.

Check it Out

Status #1 - Work Continues
16 days ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 07:52:32 AM

Hello backers!

I am dedicated to giving you frequent updates about the status of our project. 

I do not have much to say this week, except that /next/ week we will start on the layout of the 5E rules section. The Corruption System has been written and is ready for editing and layout. Once funds are collected, I will be sending over BackerKit surveys as well. This will collect shipping addresses, shipping payments, and give everyone access to campaign add-ons. 

Backers should see PDFs within the next couple months and print soon after. 


Please check out our featured partner's campaign and if interested head over and back their project.

Castles and Crusades Reforged

Castles & Crusades is a TTRPG that focuses on imaginative gameplay, allowing everyone in the gaming community to utilize whatever play styles they desire. NOW with revised non-OGL content. Its primary purpose is to give those who play the game an adaptable, responsive, easy to use mechanic that does not force any one style of play on the participants, and which does not restrict any playing style. 

  • The system was designed to be rules light, allowing new players to learn the system in under 15 minutes and make their characters in the same space of time. 
  • To achieve this, a simple and logical attribute check system, the SIEGE Engine, was created. By downplaying the role of rules in the game, it encourages imaginative play, unrestricted by predetermined rule sets.
  • Castles & Crusades was first created in 2003/2004 and debuted in Christmas of that '04. It was the first to use a simple attribute based system as its key mechanic. It predated and in many ways sparked the OSR publications that followed and heavily influenced D&D 5th edition. The core of this game has remained unchanged but for minor edits and a few revision. It has played the same all these years. Now with the revised non-OGL content, though it plays the same, even faster!